The PL513 is a transmitter, and the two-way version (TW523) is a transmitter/receiver. Both plug into regular AC outlets and connect to a third party OEM product via a modular RJ11 telephone jack. The OEM product generates X10 codes, which the interfaces transfer onto the power line. All patent related criteria are satisfied with the interfaces. This also receives the OEM of any UL, CSA, FCC or Industry Canada considerations. Using these interfaces, someone with a technical, or programming background can use a computer to completely customize the way in which they automate their environment.
A cable is not provided by X10. The PL513 was designed to be used by engineers and programmers. Since the PL513 will most likely be incorporated into an existing system, it is the developer's task to construct the appropriate cable interface (DB-9, twisted pair, etc.). The pinout is available in the technical manual.