The Platinum 5-in-1 Remote controls TV, VCR, Cable, and Satellite in a convenient and uncluttered design. It also includes Home Control when used in conjunction with the X10 Transceiver (or any X10 security system base receiver), allowing it to be used to switch and dim lighting in a home theater application for example.
Keys on the 5-in-1 Learning Remote:
- Power
- TV
- Cable
- Sat
- X10 Super Key
- Set-up
- Last
- A, B, C, D
- All Lights On/Off
- Channel Up/Down
- Volume Up/Down
- 0-9
- A-B
- Enter
- Mute
- Menu
- Exit
- Navigation arrows
- Play
- Rew
- FF
- Stop
- Record
- Pause
- OK
THE X10 SUPER KEY!! The Platinum 5-in-1 Remote provides control of TV, VCR and lights and appliances. To turn on a lamp simply plug any lamp into a lamp module, push the X10 "Super Key," then push "Button 1" and "Channel UP." The light associated with A1 turns on! Now push Volume down or up to dim and brighten the lamp, or push channel up or down to turn it on or off! Push the TV button and instantly switch from controlling your lights to controlling the TV!
To control the coffee machine .... use an Appliance Module instead of a Lamp Module. Plug the coffee machine into the appliance module. Set the appliance module to a new Unit Code. For example use: A2. Now push the X10 Super Key, then push "Button 2" and "Channel UP." The coffee machine associated with A2 turns on!
Works great with these other X10 products; ActiveHome, and PowerMid Remote Extender.