Select Albums Fast!
With the quick search button you can display a list of your albums and then use the number keys and arrows to jump to album of your choice. Your album list will appear over any applications you have running in a large font so you can see them from across the room. Plus, you can customize the font size and color.
Gain Ultimate Control!
The remote is also a universal learning remote. Use it to control your other home entertainment equipment - TV, Stereo, Cable Box. It will also learn IR commands from any new equipment and allow you to program buttons for special tasks like changing your TV's video source.
Control X10 Devices Too!
Of course, it wouldn't be an X10 remote if it didn't also work with your X10 devices. Now you can change your lighting to match the mood of your music all with the same remote!
FREE Bonus - 20 ft PC to Stereo & TV Cable Pack
As a FREE Bonus, we're including a 20 foot Audio Cable and adapter to connect your PC audio directly to your home stereo system. And, to extend your video to the big screen, you'll get a 20 foot video cable to connect your PC's TV Out port directly to your TV.
FREE Cable Pack includes:
- 20 foot RCA Audio Cable
- 20 foot RCA Video Cable
- 1/8" Stereo Y-Splitter Adapter
- 1/8" Stereo to RCA Adapter
- RCA to S-Video Adapter